Students spill the tea on Beeps Café
COD students hanging out at the Beeps Cafe.
March 9, 2020
Beeps Café is the only dining outlet for students at College of the Desert. The cafe is filled with students throughout the day and as you look at each table there is at least one person eating food that was made at Beeps.
But how do students really feel Beeps?
Lorena Gonzalez said, “I have only been to the café once the entire time I’ve been at COD, there are not many food options. All I got was a coffee.”
For some of the students who have eaten the food at Beeps, they feel that the food is good.
Manuel Rocha said, “The food is pretty good.” Rocha, who has a background in food and beverage, praised them for consistency.
Stephanie Monroy, who said her chicken tender was under-cooked still gave the cafe praise, “The food is good, but the prices are kind of high.”
For Victoria Villa the food was enjoyable “most of the time,” and also agreed that prices are too high.
And student Trevor Levens felt the same,“The prices are too high for the food they serve.”
Most students had lukewarm feelings about food options. All except first-year student at George Gomez, who said, “I would eat here even after I graduate.”
Beeps Café’s culinary staff is open to change and even have a suggestion box, located next to the cash register. “They do not have many options, and they need less greasy foods,” said Wendy Ortega.
Rocha, who said the food was good also added, “They need to stay open longer. They stop making pizzas and burgers early in the afternoon.”
Hours of operations were a hot topic. Levens said, “They need to be open longer on Fridays.”
Beeps Café chef Samuel Torres is all ears when it comes to suggestions. Torres has plans on making big changes to the menu.
“I am trying to get more vegan options on the menu, and more fresh ingredients. We use dry herbs and I am trying to get fresh herbs” said Torres, “Before I got here a lot of things were frozen and being delivered here, like frozen macaroni and cheese. Now we make it from scratch.”
As Health consciousness is spreading across the nation, Torres referred to it as “infectious,” and now COD students could possibly see those changes at the cafe.
Students are positive about more food options, Ortega was thrilled having said that, “vegan options are a must.”
Torres is aware that students are on tight schedules, running from class to class, “I wish I could have more cooks to orchestrate the kitchen more, I make it easy for these guys in order to cater to the students who only have five to seven minutes.”
The dining hall has become a central hub for COD students though they all had mixed feelings about the food, they all seemed to agree that Beeps is a place to hang out, and study. “When I was there I saw college students playing Pokémon cards,” said Gonzalez.
Taylor Roberts said, “It can be loud sometimes, but it’s a great place to study.”
Torres, who has worked at restaurants and casinos before said that he feels fortunate, the students are welcoming and all going the same direction. Seeing the students graduate is rewarding.
How do you feel about Beeps Cafe? Answer our poll!