Students react to the rise of gas prices
Photo Courtesy of The Chaparral. Top Row: Sonali Johnson and Jonathan Romero. Bottom Row: Vanessa Garcia and Maria Gatae.
The rising price of gas is having an impact on drivers. Recently, College of the Desert students were asked how the current gas prices are affecting their commute in the Coachella Valley?
Jonathan Romero – Mechanic “I do drive, and it is a giant pain because my car only takes the most expensive gas: premium. So twenty dollars fills up nothing, only a quarter of a tank.”
Edith Mendoza – Health Science “I’m not working, so it’s hard, but I still have to commute to class. I have to rely on Finacial Aid for the time being. My car is pretty good on gas, but driving back and forth is expensive.”
Vanessa Garcia – Health Science “I think it affects us all, especially with summer coming up and turning on the A/C, it will waste more gas.”
Maria Gatae – Health Science “It affects us financially going back and forth between work and school. Sometimes many of us work, but not full-time hours because we try to balance everything out. It has been expensive.”
Sonali Johnson – Elementary Education “I don’t drive, but they definitely affect the people who drive me. It is hard if my grandparents were driving me around, as the gas price lift is expensive.”