Performing arts students present Middletown
Life is a cycle, babies are born and people die. In a lifetime, we experience loneliness and happiness. That is, the message that one can learn from Middletown, a play by Will Eno. The play was put on by the College of the Desert Performing Arts program. The play is presented at the Palm Desert Campus in Theatre Too. The dates left for this show are April 8 & 9 at 7 p.m., and April 10 at 3 p.m.
The performances by the actors were amazing. The play, in general, was eye-opening because every moment had the audience thinking. The stories’ main characters represent important themes, which you can find out by attending the plays on the set dates available to you. The characters are Mary and John, played by Emmiline Norris and Rowan Jordan.
At the play’s opening, we were all greeted by the Public Speaker, Carlos Mendoza. I enjoyed it; he pinned everyone’s points. He also played Greg, the uncle and landscaper. Sebastian Esquivel played the mechanic. Johnathan Hatsios played the police officer. Diana De La Pena played the librarian. Robert Guenther had a couple of roles; he was the tour guide, freelancer, doctor and janitor. Yuka Nishiguchi played the sweetheart niece, attendant and voiceover. Jordan Souza played a few roles; a tourist, woman on a date, dispatcher and doctor. Gage Truscott was also a tourist, ground control, man on a date, attendant and radio host. The cast was amazing.
Director Janet Miller, Stage Manager Alejandra Martinez, and Assistant Stage Manager did a fabulous job casting this play and directing everything. The costume designers and makeup were great, produced by Angela Esposito, Sybil Lecuyer and Lynda Shaeps. The set, lighting, and props were by Joseph Layne. The choreography was by Gabriela Armenta. The poster and program art were by Stephanie Kelly and the running crew was Victor Benitez, Nicholas Edwards, and Luis Rodriguez.
This eye-opening play, Middletown, can be enjoyed by many. It does have lessons and helps see different views of others and understand situations that some people can also relate to. Theatre Too doors are open.
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