Remote-Control or Radio-Control Racing(RC) are small-scale gas or electric vehicles that have been used in the dirt and streets as a recreational activity since the 1970s.
In recent years, the value and engagement in RC racing has skyrocketed since the start of the pandemic and hasn’t slowed down with the help of Adam and Ronda Drake, owners of the Palm Desert RC Raceway. They are looking to expose Coachella Valley residents to more competition and growth within the sport.
The Drake’s purchased The Palm Desert RC Raceway (The Drake Raceway) last year, which then carved a path for new local racers to enjoy competition where they can compete for trophies, money or simply bragging rights. The Drakes have sponsorships and their own buggy line offering tips to racers on how to improve their skills on and off the track. They have been able to travel around the world competing in tournaments as they are one of most successful racers in their respective sport.
Professional RC competitions are not an average pick-up game to play. It takes time, practice and preparation when getting ready for a tournament. This sport requires maintenance from cleaning debris, inspection and understanding your engine in order to compete. Ronda Drake says this sport is beneficial for a variety of reasons as it improves your skills from driving, patience and mechanics.

RC vehicles are offered in multiple scale sizes and in gas or electric. The prices vary from $200 to $1,000 with some cars reaching up to almost 100mph. They are durable, well engineered and meant to last.
Local Coachella Valley Racers like Andrew Morales says the Palm Desert RC raceway is one of three tracks in Southern California which allows him to not have to drive out so far to compete. Having a home track gives Morales the time and ability to ensure his skills are ready for the tournaments while building connections with other racers.
“You come out here and we become like a family,” said Morales. This is what the community strives to be as this sport is much smaller than most sports such baseball, football or golf but they’re looking to make a big impact in the sport scene.
For more information, visit the Palm Desert RC Raceway for scheduled open practices and events.