College of the Desert held its fall 2023 Club Rush on Sept. 25 and 26. The two-day event was organized by the Office of Student Life and is hosted by ASCOD every semester. ASCOD Vice President Djuane Nunley said that the goal, “Is to help bring visibility to our clubs and boost their recruitment numbers before the charter date[Sept. 29].” All existing and new clubs must complete and submit a charter application. Officially chartered clubs can meet, hold events, raise funds and other benefits.
This semester, there were more clubs in attendance than in past semesters. Nunley stated that College of the Desert has 24 clubs, and 20 attended club rush. They also noted that the COVID-19 pandemic negatively affected clubs. “Covid made it difficult for clubs to meet in person,” said DJ. The Chaparral spoke to club organizers and club members about their clubs.
Kimberly Hemenez is president of College of the Desert’s MESA program (mathematics, engineering, science achievement). The MESA program offers services to students seeking an education in science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM). Kimberly stated that MESA’s goal is to collaborate with more students and get more students involved in STEM. They hope to be able to set up more workshops and connect students with professionals within the STEM field.

Sophia Padilla is the president of the “Viva Folklorico” club at College of the Desert. They stated their mission is to bring diversity and make Hispanics feel seen in the community. They use dance as a healthy way of learning and appreciating their culture. Sophia said they are hosting a Dia de los Muertos performance on November 2nd.
Christian H. is the president of the College of the Desert Information Systems (CODIS) club. They offer students interested in cyber security and related activities the opportunity to connect and collaborate with professionals in the field. They participate in national and local cybersecurity competitions, host PC building competitions, and study groups for certification.
Gabrial Pappas is a club member of the international club. Gabrial and the international club aim to share and exchange culture. The international club is dedicated to making international students feel welcome in the community. They regularly host events like sports day, karaoke night, and their spooky spectacular. The spooky spectacular allows students to dress up and cosplay in a runway-style event.
Ruby Becerril is a councilor and club advisor to the Alas Con Futuro club. The club provides undocumented students support and allies. “We provide students with resources and work with the school’s dream center,” stated Ruby. College of the Deserts Dream Center offers students free legal services, mental health support, and financial aid assistance.

Brian Brown is a fire academy cadet at the Fire and EMS club. Brian stated that the club aims to get more people involved and pursue a career in emergency services. They provide all the information needed for people who want to either become emergency medical technicians or firefighters. They also take tours of different fire stations across the valley.
Other organizations include The Social Justice Club, Sexuality and Gender Alliance Club, The Motion Picture Club, Faces/Fashion Club, Chemistry Club, Road Runners Makers Club, Road Runner Literature Clu, and others.
If you want to join or create a club, visit College of the Desert’s student clubs and organization’s page.